A third operation to rescue the boys from the cave began


The third operation to relieve the remaining four boys and their 25-year-old coach from a partially flooded cave began Tuesday in northern Thailand.

The final phase of the rescue operation began in the early hours of Sunday rather than Monday because of the threat of more precipitation

19 divers are involved in the action and expected to last longer long as the previous two operations – with the exception of four boys and their coach, they plan to take out a doctor and three Thai navy members who are in a cave with the football team of l & # 39; accident.

In the past two days, a handful of eight boys have been saved; they are all in the hospital and their condition is good because of the circumstances, say the doctors.

The rescued boys are healthy and smiling

Eight boys rescued from a partially flooded cave have a "good mood" and a long-lasting immune system (19659003) According to the representative, the first four boys rescued, aged from 12 to 16 years old, can now consume the usual diet, but "nothing spicy."

Two of the boys have a lung infection, but all eight are usually "health and smiles".

"These children are footballers, so they have a sustainable immune system," he said. "They are happy to come out of the cavern and are still undergoing a psychological assessment," he said.

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