The museum will discuss both the county president and women who survived the Holocaust


This free event is part of a traveling exhibition entitled Stories of the 20th Century

10. July 2018 at 12:15 (dd)

RIMAVSKÁ SOBOTA. Are the stories of the 20th century a minor story? This is the name of the public debate prepared by the Gemersko-Malohont Museum with the civic association Post Bellum

As informed Martin Marty Ostrom Marek, Director of Public Relations, Eva Mosnáková and Lydka Piovarcsi who survived the Second World War and the Holocaust. Ján Lunter, State Secretary at the Ministry of Culture Konrád Rigó, Sandra Polovková of Post Bellum and representatives of the Rimavská Café Initiative

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The 20th century, capturing the stories of fourteen people who survived the totalitarian regimes on their own skin on the four panel towers. The exhibition is located in the courtyard of the museum Gemerska Malohonet and passers-by can visit it for free until July 29th. All stories were recorded 20th century which is one of the main activities of OZ Post Bellum SK The exhibition is carried out in the project "No Memorable of Identity", which is the main partner supported by the Public Fund for the promotion of art "Oström Marek approaches

July from 18h in the premises of the Rimskosobotski Museum.

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