Now Michalovce has declared an extraordinary situation


Further discussions on the crisis headquarters will be held Wednesday at 8 am with the participation of the head of sanitation of the RS, Jan Mikas. As she said, the reason for the statement of urgency was a significant increase in measles cases occurring during the weekend at the Michigan Hospital. "On the basis of other suggestions made by the members of the Crisis Staff, I will take steps and suggestions to improve the extraordinary situation that is occurring today in the district of Michalovce", added . "The situation began to deteriorate at the end of last week, from Friday, July 6 to Sunday, July 8, 25 cases of measles were recorded in Michalovce," said Michael Paulen of the press department of the Ministry of Health. Inner


According to a spokesman of the public health service, Daša Račková, in the Michalovce and Sobrance epidemics, there are 161 cases of measles between the beginning of May and the 9th of July, of which 68 confirmed in the laboratory. The most (89) recorded them in the city of Michalovce and also in the village of Drahnov (35), from where the half-breed began to spread

"Of the total number of diseases, four are imported from the UK and nine are professional.All diseases were epidemiologically related. " Mayor of the Department of Infectious Diseases of Michigan Hospital Štefan Zamba told reporters that 29 patients hospitalized with this diagnosis had had a stroke in the morning "At the request of the Director of the Regional Public Health Office of the Slovak Republic, a member of the Crisis Staff was summoned to monitor the situation. At this point, we can say that the beds of the Michigan Infectious Disease Hospital are not enough. These are patients aged 0 to 54 years old.

Hospital Capacity Problem

"Since the last weekend, we have seen an explosive increase in the number of patients in our department, both investigated and hospitalized," commented. The total number of hospitalized patients was greater than 140. Among them, as he said, were most children aged 0 to 18 years. "About 85% statistically, at that time we have about half of these children under two years old," adds Zamba recalled that the evolution of the disease among staff infected was relatively beneficial and that there were no complications

The hospital, in other words, has implemented several measures.In the context of staff protection, it has been fully restored.Thanks to the increase in the number of measles patients and the limited capacity of the infectious department at the end of June, some beds have been temporarily reprofiled. "This week end we had a problem in terms of the ability and care of many of these patients, " said the primary.In case of further increase, the hospitals of Košice or Prešov should also be prepared for them. strict prohibition of visits applies always in all Michigan hospital. If this changes, it depends on Zambu the actual epidemiological situation in the region

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