Merkel on the relationship with Great Britain after Brexite


Germany will strive even after England has left the European Union to maintain the closest relations with this island monarchy.

German office Angela Merkel announced Tuesday in London at a joint press conference with British Prime Minister Theresa May

According to Merkel, discussions on The progress of Brexite. The remaining 27 EU Member States are waiting to publish the contents of the latest package of proposals from the UK government and will be able to react to it after its review. London publishes the so-called white paper containing the content mentioned above, suggestions regarding the modification of existing trade relations with the Union at the Friday meeting of the British Government in the Ladies, apparently Wednesday

Merkel said it was good that the proposals were already on the table. However, she refused to give details about the possible response of the EU she did not even answer the question of whether she could imagine a customs union with the United Kingdom Uni

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