Scientists are convinced that the ownership of an iPhone is a symbol of wealth


  iphone x
iPhone X

The economists of the University of Chicago, Marianne Bertrand and Emir Kamenica, discovered that the one in the United States owns the "iPhone" behind the "iPhone". water". Their work has been published by the National Bureau of Economic Research.

The document indicates that the property of the iPhone is directly related to wealth. It's even the most common symbol of high income, says Business Insider.

Higher Probability than Android Smartphones

iPhone, like other flagship ships selling at high prices, is not for everyone.

An interesting finding is the fact that no other branded smartphone can predict the financial situation better than the property of the iPhone. According to the results, it would have been up to a 69.1% chance that the owner of the iPhone falls under the definition of high income. To be complete, it was the 25% the best-off of Chicago. Each study also has its limits. For example, we can talk about the total number of respondents, despite the fact that they joined less than 6,400 . [ad_2]
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