For American-style pilots, American F-16 fighters want. Is this the best solution?


The Defense Minister advises the government to buy 14 pieces of US fighter F-16 Block 70/72. They preferred the Swedish machines JAS-39 C / D Gripen, which were hit by the department under the direction of Martin Glvac.

The Swedish fighter has a more modern design and specializes in air combat, which is also part of the planned tasks of the Slovak Air Force. The US aircraft is back in the advanced version with an avionics and an efficient radiolocator – it is also more versatile for ground targets. comparison of fighters asked experts. They all had the following questions:

1. Should Slovakia buy the US F-16 or the Swedish JAS 39 Gripen?


Judge F-16 “/>

Lukáš Visingr, Czech Military and Security Analyst and Publicist

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1. Both offers are very interesting and tempting, but each little different. Americans offer their fighters in the most advanced variant; Slovakia would have the most advanced F-16s in the world when it comes to accepting offers. Even better than the US Air Force itself

For Americans, there is a clear political signal because President Donald Trump has said something about "buying American weapons and covering our backs".

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As for the Gripen, it is a more modern model than the F-16 and whose operating costs are lower. The decision for this aircraft would be a European solution

These two machines offer the possibility of cooperation with neighbors: the Gripen is a better cooperation with the Czech Republic, the F-16 with Poland

I do not know what which will be decided, I will not know for myself what to vote for. 2. Of course, non-military factors play a role in every decision-making of this type. Economic incentives as well as political links have a role to play, whether we like it or not.

It would be great if it was decided purely on the basis of military parameters, but it just does not work in the real world.

Juraj Krupa, Director of the Security and Defense Program, Slovak Institute of Security Policy


1. The original intention, already forgotten, was to rent 8 pieces of Gripen fighters for about 700 million euros. Today, the management of the MO SR imposes 14 F-16 for about 2 billion euros. The question is: what should hunters use?

SR has mainly fighters to perform the tasks of NATINAMNDS, that is to say capturing hijacked civilian planes, terrorists who would like to use them for attacks. The MO SR has not yet come forward and seems to have no interest in using planes for other purposes

It does not analyze their use in the future because it does not even have a more detailed concept of the Slovak Air Force development. Under such a presumption, the Gripen fighters are absolutely sufficient. Even if we decide to engage in other activities in the future, such as the patrol in the airspace of the Baltic Sea or Iceland, the Gripen fighters are absolutely adequate for these tasks, see. Czech Republic or Hungary

It is true that the F-16 70 block is supposed to have better combat characteristics than the Gripen, but it must be taken into account that it is a fighter who does not not yet produced and that may have problems. (19659004) This means that, among other reasons, we would be forced to further extend the subscriber (operating contract) and thus use the much longer MiG-29s, such as C & D. Is the case for new products. Not to mention the NATO recommendation that we should invest more in other areas of our armed forces than the supersonic air force that the Alliance has exceeded its needs

2 I am convinced that he will rather decide from the political point of view as professional and economic. This is illustrated by the fact that in the case of the F-16, SR will have to use two types of aircraft – F16 and MiG-29, which will represent a considerable burden for the budget.

Before the introduction of the F-16, EUR 2 billion + MiG-29 subscriber contractually cost EUR 20 million + additional costs of repairs and maintenance of Russian fighters by outsourcing companies that are not Fixed

So instead of cheaper Gripen fighters that can help us get rid of the obsolete MiG-29, we will pay for two aircraft platforms – F-16 and Mig-29 . If MO SR comes with an analysis that will be more cost-effective than Gripen without disclosing all the entries of this analysis, the suspicion of a finite and transparent process will remain unclear

MO SR will invest in equipment around 3.5

Peter Vojtek, former chief of staff of the SR OS (2011-2014)

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1. This does not answer simply because we do not know the details of the two offers. Both machines belong to the tip, it is difficult to judge individual parameters. I do not want anyone deciding between these two great offerings like the F-16 and the Gripen

From a professional point of view, it can be said that the F-16 has opportunities to 39, wider use. I do not know to what extent all matters relating to service, staff training or flight training are considered, which is quite high.

Whether to win one or the other machine, it will be a big plus for the Slovak air force.

2 It is all the more difficult to answer. If I answered as a soldier, I would prefer Gripen. As we armed the air force in the Czech Republic and Hungary. It would be better to introduce the parameters of training centers for cooperation and the rotation of pilots or services in cross-border operations.

On the other hand, there is Poland, which has the F-16. It is possible that the political point of view prevails. But this economic aspect should always be taken into account

Vladimír Bednár, security analyst and expert in defensive planning

photos in gallery [19659010] 1.
It is not easy either to determine which aircraft should be purchased by the Department of Defense because they have not always been very transparent, especially with regard to the definition tasks to be performed by these machines.

During the 30-year operation period, the Gripen would cost us up to one-third less, except for the possibility of potential cooperation with the Czech Republic and Hungary during their operation.

In the F-16, the quality of the aircraft is considered superior. In general, we can say that if we only want to fulfill the tasks of securing the sovereignty of the Slovak airspace, the Gripen is more suitable, if we have higher ambitions, F-16 more appropriate

Since it is difficult to predict how RS's external conditions and military-political ambitions will evolve over the next 30 years, I would be wearing the F-16 better and more versatile than the cheaper Gripen.

2 The process of selecting supersonic aircraft is largely opaque, raising legitimate doubts or making decisions about the professional and economic aspects.

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Juraj Baranek, pilot and former commander of the SR Air Force I do not like to say if it is better to get one or the other because I do not know all the information needed to evaluate the value of one or the other solution.

I believe that there are enough experts in the Department of Defense. who dealt with. I believe both offers were evaluated not only by the instant price, but also by the overall long-term support, not just for 5-10 years

Today, planes n & # 39; They have no fixed duration for 30 years, like Russian techniques, but it is based on traffic. This means that it is not limited by the manufacturer, so you can use the technology for 50 years.

Therefore, both projects must be evaluated according to the life cycle of 50 years and over. If you have a long term operation, it is advisable to have the service closest to the place where you operate it. But this is only a look at the thing.

2 I do not know.

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