The concierge will not comment on the case of Fic


Leaders of the initiative In mid-June, the Attorneys General of Slovakia lodged a complaint with Robert Fico at the Attorney General's office.

Attorney General Jaromír Čižnár withdraws his hand from the criminal announcement to the President of the Directorate Robert Fico, which was forwarded by the leaders of the initiative For a decent Slovakia. With this step, he wants to exclude any challenge to the whole procedure. portal was informed by the spokesman of the office of the Prosecutor General Andrea Predajňová.

The Attorney General decided to exclude him from the proceedings in this case and to avoid any doubt as to the objectivity of the proceedings in this case, "said Predajňová

Ficov friend and classmate

Fizz and Fico were classmates at school.In addition, the CEO admitted that friends are also friends.

Despite these links, Fico does not have any friends. did not see any problem with the appointment of Chinar to the post of Attorney General in 2013. The current chief prosecutor chose the parliament despite the lack of dispute between Jozef Čentéš and the former president Ivan Gašparovič at the time, who refused to name him

Attorney General's office started to deal with Ficom after organizers of events Deputy Prime Minister Juraj Šeliga and Karolina Farska decide to file information criminal on the report of the ancie n Prime Minister on the spread of the alarm and defamation

Fico said at a protest march in March after the assassination of Jana Kuciak and Martina Kusnirov, the event continues to be associated with the American financier and philanthropist Georg Soros.

Attorney General

Farsk filed a criminal notice with Shelig in mid-June. Last week, Šeliga was informed by the Attorney General's office. However, the submission itself does not mean that Fica will also be sued for her statements. The prosecutor must decide that …

"After completing the warning, the Prosecutor of the Attorney General's Office of the Attorney General decides on another procedural procedure distinct from the procedural point of view," Predajňová added. However, she did not say whether she should call a prosecutor or not.

Assassination of Ján Kuciak

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Although Chiznar has nothing in common at the moment, he could practically interfere with him by virtue of his function. The Slovak Public Prosecutor's Office is organized in relations of supremacy and subordination. "The Attorney General has many options.It has been seen many times when the Chiznar has asked them to investigate a particular case," said the rector of the Police Academy, Lucia Kurilovska.

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