In the 2nd pillar, nearly 1.5 million people are retired


Young people were also interested in saving in the second pillar.

The volume of assets in the second pillar amounted to EUR 7 908 989 761.14 at the end of June 2018, with 77.6% of the guaranteed pension funds being allocated. The retirement benefits 1,464,772 employees, which corresponds to an increase of more than 30,000 young people recruited compared to the previous year, ie almost 20% more in 2017.

"Average annual age of retirement market fund for the first half of 2018 represents 0.168% per annum (annually), unsecured pension funds have managed an average annual yield of 4.79% pa These indicators also speak in clear terms – unsecured funds Even if they are riskier and have larger fluctuations in value, have incomparably higher growth potential in the long run.The average Slovak second-pillar saver currently has only the first third of the total savings time, and should therefore ensure that the bulk of its savings are allocated to the unsecured fund.For this reason, we will continue to explain to all non-retirees who are not immediately advantaged. t retirement age a sensitive and understandable explanation for putting at least a portion of their savings into the unsecured pension fund. "19659003 According to him, young people are interested in saving in the second pillar.If the trend of steady growth in the number of young people entering the second pillar is likely at the end of this year, we can expect that that the bank of one and a half million dollars reaches the retirement savings market

The first half of 2018 marked the return of volatility and uncertainty in the market After a longer period, risky assets have been under pressure because of rising expectations of tighter monetary conditions in the US

US President Donald Trump has not added to the room, which raised fears of possible trade wars by introducing tariffs.In Europe, the main topic was the result of the Italian elections and the subsequent formation of eurosceptic government, which triggered the sale of assets italy The June summit of the ECB also surprised by saying that the ECB would keep interest rates unchanged until at least September 2019. The difference in interest rates between the United States and the European Monetary Union will continue to grow. With uncertainty about geopolitical developments and the situation in Italy, we are likely to get used to the larger market fluctuations in 2017, "said Mlynek.

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