Protesters in Prague sacrificed victims of communism and disagreed with Andrey Babis' government


PRAGUE, July 11 ( – While in the Czech Chamber of Deputies, the Yugoslav government center and the CSSD, with the support of the Communists, are in the middle of the house, near the Prague Square after protesters and deputies.

Many opposition members also supported them. Protesters held a minute of silence for the victims of communism and the communists barked, informs the news portal

The minute of silence for the victims of the regime

"We do not want to lead the Eskimo government, we will be there all day, and whoever says that the communists do not rule us, he deceives us, " they sent protesters to the Chamber of Deputies. There were hundreds in Lesser Town Square. They held a minute of silence for the victims of the communist regime from 1948 to 1989.

"We call the Communists to admit all crimes and finally to justify them publicly", mocked the protesters. The main reason for the protests is the emergence of a government with a criminal prime minister, who is supported by the voices of the communists. "The Communion of the Communists" chanted the protesters and tried to make them so loud to hear in the Chamber of Deputies

Vote on the confidence of the government Babiš

Before the protesters on stage in Malostranské náměstí Il There were many opposition party MPs at the thirteenth hour. For example, the deputies TOP 09 and STAN Miroslav Kalousek and Ján Farský. Karel Schwarzenberg, Helena Lángšadlová (both TOP 09) and Vít Rakušan (STAN) or ODS member Miroslava Němcová

The Pirates have also planned their event Wednesday afternoon, which posted a sign on the square, on which was "not the rule of the oligarchs, the Bolsheviks and the obligated" [1945908]

The Chamber of Deputies will negotiate until the evening and will vote the confidence of the other minority government of Prime Minister Andrey Babis.

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