SP: Bartec after the first day of the ninth with the chance to enter the final


today 08:30

The Tucson World Cup kicks off this year in closing the World Cup shooting sport, where only Danka Barteková of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Bratislava is represented.

Olympic bronze medalist scored 70 goals (23-22-25) in the opening round of the women's skeet qualifiers, with a total of 34 starting in 9th place

Positioning of the Olympic bronze medalist and hope for the six- third impeccable element. (19659007) Skeet

Women (ranked 1st part of the discipline – 75 goals):

1. Kimberly Rhoda (United States) 73 points

2. Kim Min-Or (Corp.) 72

3. Caitlin Connor (United States) 72

Danka Bartekova (SR) 70

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