The Syrian Government erected a state flag on the city of Dara


News television broadcasts footage of the capture of state officials as they raise a government flag on the ruins.

The Syrian government on Thursday raised a state flag on the southern city of Dara, which in 2011 became a rebellious collision with the authoritarian regime of President Bashar Asad. The insurgents agreed earlier on Thursday that the towns were surrendering and surrendering to the soldiers.

The uprising in Syria was inspired by the revolution and protests of the so-called "

Al-Ichbarija satellite TV shows capture representatives of the state while" 39, they sport a government flag with two green stars on the ruins of Dará

Launch of heavy and medium weapons

Dará suffered catastrophic damage because it was one of the cities that have become the center of the bloody seven-year civil war in Syria.In the fighting between government soldiers and insurgents or the extremist organization, the Islamic State (IS) has killed at least 400,000 people and 11 million people had to flee their homes

Ahmad Masalma, media activist who previously worked in the city of South Ossetia, Skype for AP that the fighters had the choice: either of them. accept a government offer for amnis or leave Dara and the families with other parts of the Syrian rebels controlled. Masalma said that he also left Darā four days ago and that his goal became Jordan

. According to state media, on Tuesday evening, Dara's insurgents also agreed to hand over their heavy and medium-weight weapons. f, b, e, v, n, t, p) {if (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq function () {n.callMethod?
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