Po smrti Andrea († 50) zemřela and Petra († 46)!


Surviving the worst moments of your life! She was involved in an accident when she met two bikers at full speed on the main road. Cyclist Peter († 46) died and his friend Andrea († 50) was beaten at Trenčín Hospital for life. After all, she was wounded three days after her collapse.

According to the findings of Plus One Day, the driver who caused the accident is known Lucia (27), who has several success in fitness bikini

A traffic accident occurred in the municipality of Mníchov Lehota near Trencin. Vodička Lucia (27) apparently did not notice two cyclists and burned at full speed. One of them, Peter († 47) was injured in the wounds. His partner Andrea († 50) was beaten until the last moment of his life at the hospital.

  Lucia Lucia (27) struck two cyclists on this car

Lucia (27) struck two cyclists on this car.

Photo: police

A legal expert from the Department of Road Transport was also present. "The case was turned over to a criminal investigator from the Criminal Police Department of Trencin, who started criminal proceedings for homicide and bodily harm" told us the police spokesperson from Trenčín, Elena Antalová. One day, fitness biker Lucia met two cyclists. She has never been active in the sport, she studied dance, handball, basketball, but she did not endure any longer. A friend, with whom she started practicing, brought her to fitness. First in the garage of the "fitness" and later began to visit a professional fitness center. [19659904] Fitneska Lucia (age 27) was involved in a car accident "class =" lazyload "data-sizes =" auto "data-src =" https://images.nmhmedia.sk/7lqids3u1x/1024px/? quality = 74 "data-srcset =" https://images.nmhmedia.sk/7lqids3u1x/288px/?quality=74 288w, https://images.nmhmedia.sk/7lqids3u1x/448px/?quality=74 448w, https : //images.nmhmedia.sk/7lqids3u1x/608px/?query=74 800w, https://images.nmhmedia.sk/7lqids3u1x / 992px /? Quality = 74 992w, https://images.nmhmedia.sk/7lqids3u1x/1024px/?quality=74 1024w, https://images.nmhmedia.sk/7lqids3u1x/1280px/?quality=74 1280w, https : //images.nmhmedia.sk/7lqids3u1x/1440px/? quality = 74 1440w, https://images.nmhmedia.sk/7lqids3u1x/1600px/?quality=74 1600w, https://images.nmhmedia.sk/7lqids3u1x / 1800px /? Quality = 74 1800w, https://images.nmhmedia.sk/7lqids3u1x/1920px/?quality=74 1920w, https://images.nmhmedia.sk/7lqids3u1x/2200px/?quality=74 2200w "/ >

Fitneska Lucia (27 years old) was involved in a car accident.

Photo: int.

An accident continues to be in shock and does not communicate with the public. "It's completely up to date, she's still locked at home and she does not even want to go out." 19659009] Lucien tells us that Lucia participated in the Slovakia championship, where she finished in the eighth square.

Police continue to investigate the accident by calling the public to ask for help. would be able to provide information or video tapes from their vehicle's camera to provide it to the police at the Criminal Police Department in Trencin. Information can be provided on the known phone number 158.

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