The new test room and expedition, rebuilds the deposit Jurajov dvor


The total investment cost of the project was more than 8 million euros

BRATISLAVA. Thanks to European funds, the transport company Bratislava has also implemented the second phase of modernization of the maintenance base Jurajov dvor

and built a test and test room for trams, a new station trolleybuses and trolleybus operating areas.

The new tramway test and installation hall is mainly intended for the revitalization and adjustment of the electrical circuit parameters of repair trains as well as for the performance of prescribed circuit tests. High Voltage Electrical

New Dispatching – a trolleybus exporter, which will serve not only to dispatchers but also to the arrival and the end of 135 trolleybus drivers. "

" By modernizing our maintenance fleet, we are creating the conditions to ensure the quality of service at the level required by the new generation of means of transport in order to achieve the quality expected by passengers without the necessary parameters. Milan Urban

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