Exciter sits in the base in Mali: are we going to pay for a ransom?


They still do not have a key witness statement. Kosuboš Kosík (53 years old) has been detained for 20 months in Mali, where he was sentenced to a long term sentence in 2016.

The ex-offender is also accused of kidnapping the president's son Michal Kováč († 86) and decided to admit and dismiss the former head of the secret services of Ivan Lex (56). Although the journalists managed to meet Kosiek, the lawyers shouted in the dark. According to diplomatic sources, the return of Kosicky could have helped the state to carry out a verification of the premium.

Kosík fled Africa after spending 14 years blaming bills. But there, under the international arrest warrants, he was detained, and as Slovakia does not agree with Mali for the release of the criminals, he has been there ever since. An SME journalist met him in a prison in Mali, only on request. The former secret service member wants to denounce, in addition to kidnapping, even the murder of Robert Remiáš and the alleged attempt of the SIS to assassinate a key witness of the kidnapping. Oskar Fegyveres.

  Michala Kováča Open the gallery

The police did not contact Kosík six months after his first statement. Even the administration of the interior, Robert Kaliňák, even softened the words of Kosice. "No police of any country, however, has the power to operate arbitrarily and operate outside of one's own country," the police force. Besides Lex Kosik, he remembered another kidnapper accused Kováč ml. Michal Hrbáček. He told her that the African sun would probably hurt him. "I hope to see that I am not delayed by the sun", MS Kosík says. The fact that Kosice our police can not hear in Mali, confirmed the former investigator Peter Vačok. "If we do not have a legal aid contract with this country, it is not possible", Vačok said.

Helping Money?

Slovakia's first request for the release of Kosice was sent in November 2016. Examiner Lucia Zitnanska and our diplomats were involved in the process. "The Minister underlined the importance of those sentenced for other judicial proceedings in Slovakia and confirmed that in similar cases Slovakia would provide legal aid to the Maltese on a reciprocal basis", said spokeswoman Zuzana Drobová. Zitnansky also wrote to Prime Minister Mali. "According to unofficial sources, the proposal to issue a permit is in the office of the Prime Minister of Mali," added Drobová

. However, the meeting of diplomats has changed what they consider to be an adequate exchange for the Kosice issue. Slovakia, like other European countries, helps to help African lands, even if it is not. "Informal diplomatic contacts indicate that Mali may require reciprocally an increase in the contribution of the assistance of Slovakia", is written in the report on the state of the situation. "I stayed here as a forgotten suitcase," said Kosice, eager to return voluntarily to Slovakia, provided that he has a fair trial and that the state guarantees his safety

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Kosík claims that he organized the kidnapping of the son of the son, he denies the blame

Michal Hrbacek

 Exčlen SIS Michal See gallery

Excisador also prisoners of kidnapping Kováč ml., He claims to be fiction

Robert Kaliák

 Minister of the Interior Open Gallery “/> Kosík claims that his wife Zuzana was part of the commander of the SIS who had to remove the witness of the abduction of Oskar Fegyveres in Switzerland

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