The Juncker had to help the stairs


The Prime Minister of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, has helped the head of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker.
Photo: AP

He was unable to climb the stairs and was to be helped by the heads of the governments and the states of NATO. In the evening he even installed him in a wheelchair.

When he tried at the Cinquantenaire Park, where a cultural program took place, he had to go up the stairs to help me out. When he arrived on the scene, where other politicians were, he had the problem of standing up, they still had to keep him. The problem was that Juncker was also on stage, being held by Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte.

  Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the Commission, helped European politicians climb the stairs </p>
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  Jean-Claude, President of the Commission

Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the Commission ” align=”” src=”” width=”580″/>


According to the Politico server, Juncker said in June in the Irish Parliament that he was suffering from sciatica (positively red saliva from the sciatic nerve). Then he could not go to the Dublin counter. He said that he was "not drunk", but sometimes he is miserable. He justified this by having a cross-collision problem after a car accident. In particular, inflammation of the sciatic nerve, which is pushed by a jumping intervertebral plate. This should be manifested by tingling in the legs, foot pain and sometimes general rigidity and breathing difficulties. "I'd rather be drunk," he told the Sun.

  The President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, helped the second politicians

Photo of AP [19659009]

Rutte for Belgian TV VRT said that he was not in the know Juncker's "serious health problems" and said that Juncker only had a "back problem."

million. Juncker also performed especially in May in Rige at the Eastern Partnership summit, greeting European leaders. During the almost hourly reception of the arrival, he seemed to be jovial, laughing, patting on the shoulders, kissing with them, and even comparing some with the link.

When Orbán approached, the journalists captured the camera saying, "The dictator is coming". And then they heard him say, "Hi, dictator," he held out his hand and slapped him.

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