If Americans charge import duties for cars, it is possible that the first time we close the factory in the United States


If President Donald Trump imposes a 25 percent duty on cars, it will hurt the sale of Hyundai cars in the United States and endanger some 20,000 jobs at the Alabama factory .

Experts of South Korean automaker Hyundai Motor Co. has warned that too high tariffs on cars being considered by Washington could result in the loss of tens of thousands of jobs in the United States. The car manufacturers union said in a statement Thursday that if President Donald Trump imposed a 25 percent duty on cars, it would hurt the sale of Hyundai cars in the United States and endanger some 20,000 jobs in the United States. 39, Alabama factory. His contract with Hyundai Motor states that in the event of necessary restructuring, the company will first enter foreign factories. "If South Korean car exports to the United States blocked and damaged sales, the US factory in Alabama, which has been in production since 2005, could be the first to close, which would cost 20,000 workers US

The United States Department of Commerce is investigating whether imported cars also pose a threat to national security that would justify the imposition of duties. Although some believe that the threat of introducing tariffs for cars is a bargaining maneuver, there are also fears that the Trump administration may realize this threat as it has done in the past. Agreement with China

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