Slovak MEP Smolkova: this is envied by many in Brussels


The Vyšehrad Four (V4) lands have many common problems that MEPs from these countries are also trying to solve in the EU legislature. This was stated by MEP Monika Smolkova (Smer-SD) at a ceremony in Brussels on the occasion of the presidency of the Slovak Republic

Smolkova at the Permanent Representation of the Republic Slovak Republic to the EU. In addition, ambassadors as well as staff from EU institutions and MEPs from the four Vyšehrad countries, the TASR clarified that this format was working successfully in the European Parliament. "We have common problems that concern, for example, the multiannual financial framework, and we have to pull a bit. We are a strong quartet that can be approached by other EU states" describes the situation. especially in the debates on the EU's Common Agricultural Policy where V4 rejects the current form of agri-environment. If the current agricultural model persists, according to Smolka, he kneels the large farms that exist in Slovakia, but also in the Czech Republic and Hungary. "The V4 format has great potential, and I think many of us envy ourselves to have such good cooperation," said. She added that this also applies to regional development policy, migration and other resonance issues in the EU

. She stressed that the June summit was dominated by the issue of protection. strengthened the external borders of the Union. came two years ago during the Slovak Presidency of the Council of the EU "We have advanced this program, fed it and finally did it", declared . Smolka pointed out that V4 does not propose topics that may not be at the moment, but they can arrive at the EU work table six months or a year later. And although no one admits V4 as an "ideological property", four Central European countries are satisfied if their ideas are pushed

The MEP recalled that if V4 is sometimes divided into two camps or it does not do much. According to the cooperation of the Slovak and Czech deputies, he does not even think that the Czech Republic and Slovakia are two different states. "Politicians and even Hungarians are very numerous to us, regardless of the political factions, they turn to us, send letters and wonder how we vote, so V4 works together and I think it's fine " [fonction (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {si (f.fbq) renvoie; n = f.fbq = fonction () {n.callMethod?
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