Ombudsman, Droba i Strižinec, will come to Pride


The Department of Foreign Affairs does not prevent our embassies and embassies from displaying a rainbow flag. Two years ago, marking in Budapest was heavily criticized by Andrej Danko and Robert Fico.

A family is a man and a woman, or more rights for same-sex couples.

Two Views, Two Steps

In the downtown core, another LGBT community meeting and supporters are thrown into the downtown area shortly after lunch

The Rainbow March heaven this year chose a password: "We will not go anywhere – we will come". "

" Do not be afraid of the president, I'm not going anywhere, "said the head of state Andrey Kiskov.

The password refers to the investigation of 2017 on the sample 2088 people who published the Inakness Initiative – the organizers of the rainbow march

According to him, 67% of LGBT respondents surveyed would like to escape the prejudices in the 39

"Not only do they feel the same as the heterosexual majority. ", Said Natália Tomeková, co-organizer of the Pride March.

They think it would not hurt society if politicians and people forget that we live in 21st century Europe. in Slovakia, they will introduce civil marriages for same-sex couples. "These people and families are not here, they have always been and will be here," adds Tomek

Red T-Shirts

Murder of Ján Kuciak

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The second meeting will begin the third afternoon at Hodžovo námestí in front of the presidential palace

The event takes place on the same day as the so-called Rainbow Pride

"Everything else in Bratislava on the Hviezdoslav Square six volumes were held without any speech that would be problematic, we ensure that no banners that do not meet the objectives of our assembly are present at our meeting, "said one of the organizers, Anton Chromík

. "Children are our center and we want to come here and we want to show ourselves for them," said Chromik.The event takes place on the same day that the so-called Rainbow Pride will take place Another day in Bratislava, on Hviezdoslav Square

The organizers of the march invite the candidates to put on red t-shirts, and this year they should decorate the inscriptions – unbelievable and extraordinary, because the children We are our future Mom and forever, there is nothing better for children.

  The Rainbow of Pride 2017

photos in the gallery

The marches attract politicians

The two initiatives are also shared by politicians . While the Rainbow Pride openly admits to some politicians, the protest to support the family rejects it

. "This gathering is apolitical and is not intended to present political thoughts, we do not have political speeches, and we do not do it." Chromik adds

Another situation will arise at the beginning of the LGBT community The participants are the bathrobe Bratislava Juraj Droba or the Ombudsman Maria Patakyová The TV presenter Martin Strižinec will discuss with politicians Saturday to Kine Mladost

"The participation was confirmed by the representatives of SaS, Most-Híd, progressive Slovakia and the Czech Republic, "said co-organizer Natália Tomeková, supporters and supporters of the traditional family refuse to gather their candidates for municipal or presidential elections under their candidacy [19659011] Government Contradictions

Previously, the Slovak National Party, through its Vice President Anton Hrnka, called the Ombudsman Maria Patakyová she did not go there.

She said that she saw no reason not to come on a rainbow march. While Most was nominated by his candidate, the emperor and the MP for Robert Fico was more critical

"We should consider the things that open up, such as access to the same. health information or the management of property after death, but I do not expect that I raise my hand to homosexuals, such a mortal salto do not wait for me. "19659005] The CEI n & rsquo; Do not like marches such as the Rainbow Pride backed by government authorities Two years ago, national president Andrei Danko and Robert Fico criticized,

The Foreign Ministry says that it's no longer a problem. will not prohibit Slovak embassies and embassies from imposing rainbow flags on their buildings

For participants of the Rainbow March, there will be an ambulance where you will find ambassadors of the Slovak Embassy in Budapest. (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns: n = f.fbq = function () {n. callMethod?
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