Police found a source for a novice with whom a British couple handled


Police continue to find out where the container was taken and how it got to Rowley's house.

British scientists confirmed that a small vessel with which a poisoned man and woman had poisoned in the English city of Amesbury had a very high dose of this neuro-paralytic substance. Friday reported to the AP in reference to the Metropolitan Police

A woman identified by police as Dawn Sturgess, 44, in the hospital on Sunday morning, was beaten. His partner Charlie Rowley (45) was in critical condition in Amesbury in southeastern England, but later unconscious.

The Metropolitan Police reported Friday that the small container they found Wednesday during a visit to Rowley's home, tested and certified that they contained a fabric of novices.

Police continue to discover where the container was taken and how it arrived at Rowley's house. The police still do not know whether it is the same type of novella-type substance used in the harassment of Russian dual agent Sergey Skripa and his daughters Julie on March 4 in Salisbury. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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