In Bratislava, homophobic banners appeared under the name Mr Mrvá, the case will be handled by the police


BRATISLAVA, July 13 ( – In several places in Bratislava on Friday morning big-box plastic banners appeared with the text "Homoši z Bratislavy – Ján Mrva, the first Catholic mayor" [19659002] several overpasses of Bratislava, the mayor of the city Vajnory Ján Mrva distances. "If he came from a political competitor, his actions showed only very low levels of thought and means, and I will not fall into that level of communication anyway. Throughout the day, I take legal and organizational measures to ensure unequivocal legal responsibility to the organizers of such acts. "

By advising Mrva at the SITA agency, he asked the municipalities to get rid of this illegal advertising Non-governmental organization In this context, the Institute of Human Rights (IHL) has already decided to file a criminal complaint.

"Mr Mrva has said he had not done it, but that he had not hurt this hateful content. He talked about visual smog. Do we see this as a visual smog is more than a challenge for LGBT people? If it's really an anti-champagne, how do you say why the problem says it? Having publicly supported a referendum against the human rights of the LGBT minority in the past, without opting for homophobic statements, we decided to file a criminal complaint to explain to police authorities what it really looked like. " Weisenbacher

says that " the anti-campaign is in the consciousness of someone who fears that the city will put an end to business with the promoters and that they no longer decide to develop the city in his favor. I keep it off the slogan, respecting every person as it is.

Fight Against Homophobia

"We decided to file a criminal complaint against an unknown perpetrator because the banners did not make a statement of hate in quotes, so we can not talk Mr. Mrvá's quote: It's possible that it's anti-champagne, but it's also possible that it's the job of a fan, because this mayoral candidate had in the past many problematic statements against the LGBT minority (19659011) PRIDE Bratislava 2017 "am-card-image =" top "data-lazy-srcset ="×54. jpg 81w,×451.jpg 676w,×512. jpg 768w,×661.jpg 992w,×107. jpg 160w,×208.jpg 312w, https://cdn.w×448.jpg 672w,×80.jpg 120w "sizes =" (max- width: 81px) 100vw, 81px "data-dominant-color =" # c0c0b3 "/>

The Institute of Human Rights has long been engaged in the fight against homophobia. A week ago, its representatives met with Slovak Prime Minister Andrej Dank, who won a survey on the anti-prize Homofob of the year and talked about this issue.

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