The competition for the building of the Ministry of Justice failed


The Minister fears that repeated competition will lead to the same result as the current one.

The Minister of Justice Gábor Gál (Most-Híd) evaluated the contest for the selection of a new administrative building for his ministry as unsuccessful. Gale informed of this week. But he did not give up his intention to find a new seat for the ministry. The tenderers who joined the competition sent a request to update their offers

As a failure, the head of the department had to put an end to the competition because, according to him, the validity of the offers had expired. The former Minister of Justice, Lucia Žitňanská (Most-Híd), published a paid advertisement for the selection of a new office building

As the former minister, the current minister did not Did not use the offers of financial groups Penta and J & T. "

" Since the validity of the bids expired in the meantime, we decided to make the contest unsuccessful, but then we went to everyone who registered. Now, we are waiting next week or two weeks to end the next deadline, then we will decide, "he said Wednesday, July 11 after a government meeting

Gál asked bidders to update their offers. term when they could be valued did not specify "I can not say how many bids will come." When an offer comes in, we evaluate it very quickly, "he adds

They do not select any offer

According to Gala, the station must move The county square, shared with the Supreme Court of the Slovak Republic, no later than the end of 2019. The reason is that the building no longer satisfies the two institutions and must be rebuilt

In case of construction of its own building, and therefore if the ministry would end with a temporary lease, which would also not be economically viable for the state due to the The Minister is also concerned that a repeat competition could result in the same result as the current one.

On June 14, 2017, Exaministrar of Zitnanska announced that she was going to launch a new administrative building for her department. She did so after failing to find a suitable public space in the capital. The competition was opened, the station reserved the right to make no offer.

The office space was to be rented with a later purchase option. A total of 11 offers came to the competition, nine went to the second round. The dismissal was initially scheduled for Žitňanská until the end of March 2019.

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The Ministry later stated that when selecting a new head office, it would also take into account the end-users of the benefits of the promoters who submitted the offer to the Ministry

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