British Prime Minister warns his side


British Prime Minister Theresa May warned members of her Conservative party that there might not be a "brexit" there, they agreed to her plan to leave the country. European Union.

The DPA news agency reported Sunday. "My message to our country this weekend is simple: we have to look for the price," May told the British weekly Mail Sunday. "If we do not do this, we risk that there is no brexit."

Has this week attempted to implement Britain's future trade relations with the EU, it has had to deal with resignations to high positions in his government and criticism of US President Donald Trump. In her article, she called for a "practical and pragmatic" approach of as opposed to an attitude that is "harmful and disorderly". She also promised to take a firm stand in the negotiations, not describing her agreement as "a long wish list that negotiators can choose, it's a comprehensive plan with a set of results that can only to be negotiated. "

in talks with the EU in an interview for the British tabloids The Sun. The US president compared the British referendum in June 2016, in which Islanders chose Brexite in the pre-election presidential election in the United States where he won. In this regard, he said that the agreement that May and the EU are trying to reach "differs greatly from what people voted (referendum)."

Boris Johnson, who resigned Monday as Foreign Minister, writes in a letter of resignation that "Brexite's dream melts, driven by a useless mistrust in itself", and adds that, based on the Mayan plan of Great -Brittany "he is moving towards the adoption of colony status". b, e, v, n, t, p) {if (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq function () {n.callMethod?
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