Computer sales increased for the first time in the last six years


Analysts, IDC and Gartner agreed that computer sales increased slightly in the second quarter. However, they did not agree with the company that had the biggest sales.

IDC and Gartner published an analysis of the computer market and agreed that the computer segment was increasing from year to year in the second quarter. According to IDC, sales grew by 2.7%, Gartner posted a slight increase of 1.4%.

The percentage difference was probably due to a different calculation methodology. IDC adopts Chromebooks for statistics, but does not guarantee Windows tablets with a removable keyboard. On the other hand, Gartner also takes Windows tablets in statistics, but does not omit Chromebooks and tablets with other operating systems.

According to IDC, 62.3 million devices were sold for the second quarter and HP was the largest manufacturer followed by Lenovo, Dell, Apple and Acer. According to Gartner, 62.1 million devices were sold in the last quarter and Lenovo is the leader in the sale of HP, Dell, Apple and Acer.

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Despite this disagreement, the two companies said in their report that they are growing up for the sake of conscience The companies that are are moved to new Windows 10 devices during this period.The game industry has also been on the market, which has increased the interest in gaming machines. When companies close the transition to Windows 10, computer sales will likely relapse. This should happen in two years.

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In addition, Gartner notes that most consumers use their smartphone for everyday needs, and the need to own a computer naturally fades. Computer makers should therefore bring more innovations to motivate consumers to buy a new camera

Source Gartner, IDC

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