Dalibor Bortňák argues for a contract in Pardubice, HC Dynamo invites him to try


PARDUBICE, July 15 (WebNoviny.sk) – Slovakian hockey forward Dalibor Bortňák has been tested by Czech club HC Dynamo Pardubice, who operates in the highest competition. With him, four other players are also on the contract. ” am-card-image=”top” data-lazy-srcset=”https://cdn.webnoviny.sk/sites/32/2017/06/marian-hossa-81×54.jpeg 81w, https://cdn.webnoviny.sk/sites/32/2017/06/marian-hossa-312×208.jpeg 312w, https://cdn.webnoviny.sk/sites/32/2017/06/marian-hossa-672×448.jpeg 672w, https://cdn.webnoviny.sk/sites/32/2017/06/marian-hossa-120×80.jpeg 120w” sizes=”(max-width: 81px) 100vw, 81px” data-dominant-color=”#27201d”/>

Bortňák, aged twenty-two, spent the previous season in Banská Bystrica with which he won the second time in the League of Cheats. He scored 14 points (7 + 7) in 31 league games and also served as an assistant captain. In 16 play-offs, the statistics do not improve

Pardubice invites other hockey players to try, except Bortňák. During the summer preparation, the club will test the French defender Hugo Gallet, the Slovenian assassin Yuri Repe and the Czech attackers Tomáš Vracovský with Matouš Kratochvíl

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