The use of air conditioning is not harmful if properly adjusted


Bratislava, July 16, 2018 (TASR / HSP / Photo: Pixabay)

A major problem with the use of air conditioning is improper handling and inappropriate temperature adjustment. "The temperature difference between the inside and the outside should not exceed five to seven degrees.So if outside, for example, 30 degrees Celsius, an appropriate temperature in the air-conditioned area should be about 23 to 25 degrees, "informs the Regional Public Health Authority of Bratislava (RÚVZ). Excessive temperature differences can cause collapse in more sensitive people

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Health complications due to improper use of air conditioning include irritated dry eyes or nasal mucosa, ear, joint or head pain, fatigue but asthma, worsening or allergy irritable dry cough, neck blockage or depression.In the working environment, it is advisable to avoid insulation, ie the penetration of direct sunlight through blinds or blinds.

S & There is no air conditioning at the workplace, it is necessary to increase the ventilation. When using fans, they should be directed so as not to directly cool the surface of the staff body. In case of recurring heat, the employer is obliged to adjust the working time and if the workspace is equipped with air conditioning, he is obliged to ensure the l & # 39; 39; maintenance.

According to the decree of the Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic mandatory to provide employees with a drink diet with increased heat load. If the outside air temperature in the shade is above 30 degrees Celsius, we are talking about an extraordinary heat of the day.

"Current legislation does not explicitly specify the temperature limit when the employer must take individual measures to protect the health of employees. In general, however, if the workplace can not provide optimal conditions, the employer must take preventive and preventive measures to protect employees from excessive heat, "says Daša Račková, spokesperson for ÚSZ. The employer can adjust the working time, change the start of the change of work, introduce a more frequent rotation of employees, more breaks or install air conditioning


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