The first half of July was normal in Slovakia


He is on the social network of the Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute (SHMÚ). He informed that the temperature deviation from normal from 1981 to 2010 was between -0.9 and + 0.5 ° C throughout Slovakia

L & # 39; Very hot air arrival was not more pronounced in the first half of July. "We can also say that we have a lot of sun on most of our territory," said the SHMU.

In meteorologists, meteorologists recorded large differences, mainly due to storms. Mostly it fell from 10 to 30 mm of precipitation, but for example, Dolný Hričov near Žilina had only 4 millimeters of rainfall and Kamenica nad Cirochou (Humenné district) only has 1 mm . On the contrary, the kitchen of Záhorí (district of Malacky) yielded 57 mm and Rastislavice in the district Nové Zámky up to 94 mm

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