Bezos is the richest man in modern history


Bezos (54) has now overtaken Gates even after adjusting for inflation. Gates' property was temporarily worth $ 100 billion in 1999, which now stands at about $ 149 billion.

Jeff Bezos is the richest man in modern history. Amount of Amazon's assets by the Bloomberg Billionaires Monday index exceeded $ 150 billion ($ 127 billion)

It's about $ 55 billion more than the value of Bill Gates , the second richest man

Bezos (54) has now overtaken Gates even after adjusting for inflation. Gates' property provisionally rose to $ 100 billion in 1999, which would be about $ 149 billion today

This is done by the richest man in the world. Amazon since 1982 when Forbes publishes the order of the richest

Monday in New York rose to $ 1825.73 and the value of Bezos' assets to $ 150.8 billion. Since the beginning of 2018, Amazon has jumped 56% and Bezos' assets worth $ 52 billion.

According to the Bloomberg index, he is currently the second richest man of Gates (95.5 billion) and the third Warren Buffett (83 billion). 19659003] (19659010)! (19659010)! (19659010) function () {n.callMethod?
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