Saving PET bottles is closer. Reduces obstacles


Saving 90% of the bottles.

BRATISLAVA. A bottle of cheap semi-illuminated mineral water is no longer in 19-cent stores. If the Ministry of the Environment managed to make progress in trying to save the PET bottles, the customer would have to pay for each drink in a plastic bottle

See also: The Plastic Sea in Slovakia. Bottles of PET bottles

László Sólymos of Most-Hida has admitted the TASR weekend interview for PET bottles. Today, more than 70% of the plastic bottles that are circulating in our country are collected in Slovakia

"Safeguarding is an even more efficient way of collecting." We have experience from all over the world that where the bottles are saved, the efficiency is between 90 and 95 percent, "says Sólymos.

The ministry is talking about a profound change in attitude.

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The Clean Landscape

In April, social networks showed images of the Bodva, which after heavy rains are regularly stuck empty PET bottles. They create a barrier half a meter high on the water that covers the full width of the channel.

Advocates of the environment have long pointed out that the relief system motivates people enough not to empty empty bottles but to return to the stores. Moreover, in Bodve, much of the waste comes from areas inhabited by socially excluded citizens.

If PET bottles were supported, they would be encouraged to look for waste if they also received 10 cents per bottle. Only beer glass bottles are supported in Slovakia. The deposit is 13 cents and is almost invisible in the streets or in nature

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