The hijacker went to D2 on more than 200 kilometers per hour, got a fine


Police published an authentic video shot by Malaciek police officers. On the fifth mile of the D2 highway towards the capital, they noticed the black public. This was not for his Czech registration number. "The disproportionate speed of 203 kilometers at the time was taken into account

" The 35-year-old driver from the Komárno district, who was not exceeding the maximum speed limit, was fined € 650 " Police spokesperson Lucia Mihalikova

The driver paid the fine on the spot in cash, which allowed him to continue his journey

Police today called drivers to pay attention and to drive responsibly.

"Bratislava Regional Police Headquarters again calls on motorists, despite the good characteristics of high-performance motor vehicles, to respect the rules of the road road and speed of driving in any circumstance adapted to the prescribed speed, " added Mihalik.

In the last year, the maximum 110th was ignored by the driver of a luxury car. on the highway between Bratislava and Trnava, it was almost twice the speed. The 46-year-old driver did not try the car for a short time. The rules violated several kilometers. That cost him 800.

Another player from the past risked a motorcycle. His 12-year-old son was sitting behind him. After a fast road to Tornali, passing 250 km / h Even here, there was an account for this irresponsible race of 800 euros.

Another unconscious driver cop shot Trenčín. A twenty-five year old in a sports audience has wandered about 220 times on the highway. After the shutdown, it turned out that he has an empty wallet and has nothing to pay for a fine of 800 euros

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