The thief took over 6,000 euros from the bank in Královský Chlmík | Article | goods


Královský Chlmec, July 17 (TASR) – The police are looking for an unknown violator, who arrested on Monday (16.7.) The theft committed by a branch of the OTP bank in Klímsky Chlmci in the Trebišov district. The thief entered a branch where several customers were at that time. According to previous findings, the police had a white job with a hood, a face mask and a gun

"He went to the counter and, with the threat of using his gun, asked the workers to pay with the money he threw a bag on the desk where a worker in fear of his life and his health placed him in the cash of 6250 euros, "said spokeswoman Tuesday Kosice Regional Police, Jana Mesarova. The rapist then went to an unknown place.

The police investigator began in the case of criminal prosecution for the crime of robbery.

A security camera video captured by a man suspected of this act is posted on the official facebook page of the RS police. "In this way, we ask the help of the public." Any information that would help the police to clarify this act can be communicated to the public by a free number 158 ", said Mesarová

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