Ficov link Slovak: Managing ourselves as a great nation, no antisemitic Stur


According to Fica, he says in this country, not everything is bad and we can not put in people's heads that it is a black landscape. He said on the occasion of the 26th anniversary of the Declaration of Sovereignty of the Slovak Republic, because Slovakia deserves an objective point of view and an objective criticism

"Many of the precious things that we have today in Slovakia are considered obvious " politician and member mentioned in the European Union, the ability to travel freely, expressing his opinions or an independent state

Fico recalled that Management has always promoted national interests and will continue to promote its strong side in all areas where it will be needed "We want to behave like Slovaks and Slovaks as a great nation, not like a group of citizens who take pleasure," [19659003]

 Robert Fico during the press

Source: SITA / Branislav Bibel

Hanenie Štúr, Štefánik or Dubček

to which they can not reach. "Unfortunately, it is sometimes different in Slovakia, as if we could not enjoy what we could be proud of, and instead we are always trying to draw attention to the negatives only. "

The former Prime Minister also recalled the history of King Svätopluk, Cyril and Methodius "

"From Ľudovít

  Robert Fico during the press

Source: SITA / Branislav Bibel

Declaration? Historical Moment

On the day of the adoption of the Declaration on the Sovereignty of the Slovak Republic, the citizens of the country recall on July 17, 2018 after the 26. The Slovak National Council (SNR) approved it in 1992 within the former Czech and Slovak Federal Republic (CSFR) and declared sovereignty of the Slovak Republic. The day of the adoption of the Declaration of Sovereignty of the RS – July 17 – is a commemorative date of the RS on October 20, 1993.

The statement itself marked Fico as a historic moment, which has struggled for generations. [19659905] "We felt that the new Slovak Republic was not born in a frightening situation, on the contrary, after a peaceful and historically correct dissolution of the Czech nation", said well at about the performance of Čižnára

(19659004) He also spoke about the investigation of the public prosecutor, Jaromír Čižnár, on agricultural dykes, which was considered timely as it proves that everything which causes a social interest [

  Robert Fico during the press

Source: SITA / Branislav Bibel

Also, according to Fiz's agrarian report, Cisco's critique of the agro-crisis, he sees it as a man who makes his robot. "It is true that no one has ever interfered with him, he would not allow it.I fully support him to point out the mistakes that are.But it is beyond my powers. 19659003] Fico did not want to answer the question if the Minister of Agriculture Gabriela Matecna (SNS candidate) has his confidence as leader of the coalition party "This is a question for Prime Minister Petra Pellegrini (Smer-SD), "[196599023] concluded

They did not call me

Fico did not leave even on Saturday (14.7.) Event in Stara Bystrica where national celebrations were celebrated on Sovereignty Day The SD-SD leader said the opposition was behind him

"Devastation is a typical example of the work of the Opposition, and it manifests itself in all our events. If there are 2,000 people and 30 of them are in post, you write that I have been hit. I do not feel like it was, but these "battles" sent by the opposition are already typical. We have been accustomed to this, " added

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