Murder of journalist Kuciak: errors in the initial investigation, no embargo paid


The scissors criticized the misconduct of the police and prosecutors in the case of the framars, but the journalists' questions were also aimed at investigating the murder of the journalist Ján Kuciak and his fiancée Martina Kušnířová. According to Čižnára, no information embargo is in place and the Special Prosecutor can inform the person concerned himself.

"I have no reason to look into the record, but the prosecutor has completely free hands, and he can corrupt by communicating what he can", said the Attorney General .

errors slow down the investigation

Chinar also said that mistakes in the initial acts slowed the beginning of the investigation. Why did the mistakes occur, say not to know "The watchdog also has no reason to say that there was no d & # 39; errors "

There are errors that are painstakingly eliminated. " Up to now, we are in such an area that mistakes can be eliminated, but it's time to stretch. We could have been a little further," he added. " " They know the concrete results of the acts, I do not want to refer them, they can inform them ", added.

The murder of the journalist and his fiancés

Journalist Ján Kuciak Martina Kušnírová was murdered on 21 February 2018 by a pistol caliber of 9 mm, and the Prosecutor of the Special Prosecutor's Office (UPS) of the General Crime Unit informed

that the circumstances of his the case, according to the prosecutor, suggest that it was an order for murder.On the crime scene in Velka Maća, there were two shells and unreinforced cartridges. The investigators found no trace of the match and most likely nothing was stolen

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