Ryanair cancels dozens of flights! | New hour


The Irish low-cost airline Ryanair plans to cancel about one percent of connections between Ireland and Britain due to the Irish pilots' strike on Friday. This was reported by Reuters on Tuesday.

The pilots, who demand a more transparent remuneration system, organized three strikes in July, the first one last week, and two more on July 20th and 24th.

Air officials said Tuesday that they were counting on the abolition 24 of about 2,300 flights, while about 100 of the 350 pilots of the Irish base will strike at the end of July. The pilots, who are direct employees of the Irish airlines and unions, voted last week for the first strike because the company did not meet the conditions to improve working conditions.

Tensions in the business have been going on for a long time. At the end of July, Ryanair's staff is on strike in four states. Warns of other protests if working conditions are not improved. Officials from Portugal, Belgium and Spain have declared a 48-hour strike on July 25 and 26, Italy will have a one-day strike and will be held on July 25. Ryanair is present in 37 countries. From the point of view of the number of passengers carried, they are the European unit, last year they used 130 million passengers

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