PHOTO A former Russian representative attacked a journalist in a television studio! It's the fubal reality


<img src = "" width = "298" alt = "Sergei Kiriakov" Sergei Kiriakov "
Sergei Kiriakov

MOSCOW – Former Russian deputy Sergei Kiriakov in a television studio attacked a local journalist Igor Rabiner (19659003) Kiriakov coached in this club from October 2016 to May 2017. His work can not be described as too successful, but Arsenal is under his guidance Finally, Rabiner was one of the reporters who did not write about Kiriak's performance in Tula, who met in the ### 39, one of the scandalous TV shows when Kiriakov asked Rabiner if he did not want to say anything about it., A negative answer came, and a former player from Karlsruhe or Hamburg hit the face of him. editor.Rabiner, despite the attack,

"This is the reality of Russian football. I knew what he was saying, so I told him that everything I wrote was true. Then he hit me in the face. Just me, I feel good. I will not take care of it with the police.

Tags: Arsenal FC Sergej Kiriakov

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