Musk is excused from the cave for tweeting


The ground of the dispute was Muskova miniponorka

18. July 2018 at 10:09 (updated 18 July 2018 at 10:59) CTK

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WASHINGTON. The American billionaire and SpaceX owner Elon Musk apologized to British rescuer Vernour Unsworth for offending a pedophile

He said he was angry that the cavemen involved in rescuing 12 young footballers and their coach refused

The controversy over Muscovy with British caveman Vernon Unsworth began last week when rescuers refused to use Tesla's boss's proposal for boot and l & # 39; SpaceX-designed coach

"He can put his submarine where he is, it hurts," said CNN Unsworth at Musk's address. "Musk then named Unswortha as pedophile Sunday

Read also: Musk offended a rescuer of a Thai cave, injured the entire Tesle team

Later, however, he suppressed his Post

Unsworth announced on Monday that he was considering a lawsuit against Musk

"His actions against me do not justify my actions against him, I apologize," wrote Musk on Wednesday. to Twetter.

After Musk called a British cavern for a pedophile, the action price of American electric car maker Tesla dropped by more than 3.5 percent.

Athletes aged 11 at age 16 accompanied by a 25-year-old coach remained in the cave in jail since June 23.

All were able to save them gradually, the last one came out on July 10 and today all the world should be released from the hospital.In the cave, the water m ontante forced them to fall further into the cave

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