Google will connect the United States and France with a submarine Internet cable


Google has, of course, a clear interest in the world's largest and fastest internet connection as one of the biggest giants of the internet. Therefore, since 2008, he has been financially involved in the development of submarine internet cables. Overall, there should be 13 submarine cables. He worked on his own submarine cable called Currie, since the beginning of the year, which will connect the US and Chilean coasts next year. The company announces today its second submarine cable called Dunant which will connect the American and French coasts in the second half of 2020.

While the first cable thanks the Polish scientist Maria Curie -Skłodowska, the second Henry Dunant changes. Jean Henri Dunant was a Swiss writer, co-founder of the International Red Cross, initiator of the Geneva Convention and, like Madame Curie, Nobel laureate. Specifically for 1901, the cable parameters are not known, but its length will have to combine a long distance of 6100 kilometers. Google will work with TE SubCom on laying the cable. It will of course continue to invest in other Internet cable projects with different companies. For projects of interest to Google, see the following table

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