The alleged fraud of Tesla in Germany, which must cost its customers € 4,000 …


Even in the media of the mind, they begin to discover "sensational" messages with "Tesla cheat", its customers will cost 4,000 €. At the same time, they ask a little to give the opinion of the other party so that readers can make their own opinion. For those who do not know it, the problem concerns subsidies from the German state to support the electromobility of 4,000 € to be returned by the customers. (19659002) The German Federal Office of Economic Affairs and Export Control (BAFA) is currently asking German Tesla customers who bought Model S electric cars up to 6 years old in March 2018 to pay back the subsidies of the State of 4000 €.

The origin of the problem

In order to clarify the overall situation, we will return to 2016, when changed the German grant program to support the l & # 39; purchase of electric vehicles. In this context, the price cap for subsidized vehicles has been set at € 60,000.

Discriminatory conditions, said Tesla

This limitation has left all electric vehicles available to Tesla. The Californian producer reacted by accusing the German government of deliberate discrimination. According to Tesla, the new conditions have been agreed with the German auto industry to support domestic car sales at the expense of Tesla

No Tesla conspiracy

Later it was confirmed that the representatives of the German automobile industry negotiated with the government in question. . Logically, German car manufacturers also contribute to this program.

Tesla measurements

In response to this price limit, Tesla offers it on the German model S market with a price below 60,000 euros. It was a "cropped" model that did not contain much equipment of the standard offered.

The accusation of fraud came from the German motomagazine

In this regard, he accused the German auto magazine Autobild m for the year Tesla de la fraud. He claimed that German customers could not buy the "cut" model in fact. Tesla then defended the fact that it was not true and that some of these models had already been provided to

BAFA was subsequently arrested

A few months after the charges of 39 autopsy BAFA began investigating Tesla for suspicion of subsidized fraud. Subsequently, in December 2017, BAFA expelled Tesla Model S from the list of vehicles covered by the state grant. At that time, about 800 contributions were paid for this model. Currently, BAFA invites owners of vehicles purchased until March 6, 2018 to return the subsidy paid. Overall, it is about 800 to 1,050 owners

BAFA's current opinion

BAFA in the current statement on its website states that it has sought to agree with Tesla of a acceptable solution that would be beneficial to the affected customers. BAFA was to offer Tesla the time to develop a plan to solve the problem early July 2018. Tesla did not use this option, so the contributions had to be repaid

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Tesla's current position

"The decision to temporarily exempt Tesla from the list of vehicles to which the subsidy was unjustified and unfair to our customers The fact that Tesla was placed on the list, removed from the list and then re-registered is the proof that it was a wrong decision.

Our website is proof that any German customer has always been able to order a basic version with a price lower than 60 000 €, and these vehicles have actually been delivered The price ceiling set by the German government should prevent our vehicles from receiving subsidies. For this reason, we had the intention to file an application with the European Commission because it was against the rules of the EU.

Instead, Tesla agreed with the German government on a viable solution that allowed the company to sell a low-end model to a subsidy, the customers rearranging the vehicle as desired.

We therefore call on BAFA to take the decision that goes against our customers. At the same time, we assure our customers that they will not be affected by this decision because we will cover the cost of the subsidies until the problem is solved. " Sources: Electrive Electrek title picture by Tesla

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