Rolls-Royce prepares a taxi. New hour


A large international aerosol is held near London. Rolls-Royce presents his vision of the future – a taxi driver.

A well-known British company also produces pneumatic engines in addition to cars Now the two unions have joined and proposed an EVTOL for its new project – a taxi. This means of transport of the future could carry 4-5 people over shorter distances. The supposed speed of the plane is 402 km / h, it could fly up to 800 km

There have been others with similar designs – like Airbus or Uber. As their new competitor, Rolls-Royce, says, this new hybrid can be used for both personal and public transport, such as logistics, and can even be used for military purposes. The clouds could reach even before 2020.

New project

  • Chain:

  • Range: Range: 19659008 Max. Speed: 402 km / h
  • Take-off and take-off using an electric drive
  • Vertical take-off and take-off with the help of rotating wings (90 degrees)
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