Bane rejects Greenpeace's claim to pollute the Nitra River


In early July, Greenpeace Slovakia again drew attention to the pollution of the Nitra River. He published the press release. Let's hope that the Hornonitrianske mines rejected them and reject the claims of Greenpeace Slovakia

19. July 2018 at 8:00 TASR

PRIEVIDZA. Hornonitrianske bane Prievidza (HBP) rejects Greenpeace Slovakia's claims that, according to Slovakia's water plan, it would be one of the main polluters of the Nitra River

Transposition of the Nitra River it is not in accordance with European legislation [19659006] Tendenčná informácia

It is false information and tendentious because there is no mention of BPH in the document since there are no pollutants.

Greenpeace Slovakia, with its statement, as HBP, disputes its current analysis of the Nitra River, where the organization must confirm that it is affected by the cleaned up discharges from Fortischem, namely the area where the Nitra River is affected [19659909] The article continues under video advertising

"Despite this, Greenpeace abuses and demagogically manipulates the facts by declaring that the opening of the 12th mining field and the trans-shipment of the river is a threat to the region that has already been confronted with pollution for a long time, "said Sivakova.

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A negligible amount of lignite

The study of the Slovak University of Agriculture (SPU), also quoted by Greenpeace Slovakia, indicates that the pollution of the Nitra River by mercury and heavy metals

elements only in negligible quantities. The exploitation of HBP is only mentioned in terms of environmental impacts in the context of landscape changes, "she said, while the SPU perceives landscape landscapes. As a result of mining, nature conservation is contradictory in terms of biodiversity and occurrence. protected animals and critically endangered

According to the study of SPU, a number of industrial factories of the Upper Nitra are major polluters. However, according to Sivák, protectors tend to be associated with mining activities. "BPH considers these misrepresentations to be unfair and intimidate the public

It is just as absurd to claim that the translocation of the chain is not in accordance with European legislation." The Nitra River is not and will not be affected in the future by the mining activities.The objectives of the company are fully in line with the current legislation of the Slovak Republic and the European Union ", he said. added.

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Regular monitoring

According to HBP, the quality of the treated wastewater is regularly monitored, and the results of the analyzes of the specified indicators must be lower than the long-term limit values ​​

. Companies prove that the impact of mining activity in the 12th Nováky area on the quality of surface waters of the Nitra River and the Danube basin is not significant

The quality of surface water was confirmed by HBP. 19659002] "Greenpeace has unauthorized publication of misleading information that has damaged our society.The public is trying to impress the impression of a single environmental protectionist.It is, however, of no interest to know the relevant data and communicate with the relevant subjects, "said Sivakova.

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At the beginning of July, Greenpeace Slovakia again drew attention to the pollution of the Nitra River resulting from its own measurements and scientific studies as well as from other sources. insufficient protection

"HBP advocates for the opening of the 12th mining section, in which it plans to translate part of the bed, which would represent a significant interference with the state of Nitra. transhipment of the bed is also contrary to the Water Framework Directive.In his opinion, Slovakia is obliged to prevent any activity that could worsen the state of Nitra, "said Ivana Kohutková, director of the organization

. the expected impact of Nitra River needs to be evaluated. "So we are waiting for a report on the assessment of the proposed activity," he added.

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