The way to stop smoking or at least not to harm your health


Smoking by heating is a new technology presented as a better alternative to traditional smoking. The research was also confirmed.

Up to one-third of electronic cigarette users say that they do it completely to stop smoking. This results from a survey of Greek scientists (2016), who analyzed a sample of nearly 28,000 Europeans who smoke electronic cigarettes.

Studies are also underway to study the new type of non-smoking products. reduce the risks associated with smoking.

Modern technologies have allowed the development of a smokeless tobacco heater in a functional and compact form as we know it today and the science is so advanced that it is possible to test and compare the effects of smoking on human health. 19659003] Most of the scientific research on non-smoking alternatives was conducted under the aegis of a tobacco company at the Neuchâtel Research Center in Switzerland.

More than 400 scientists are working on the pharmaceutical industry.

However, this research was criticized mainly because of the short duration of the period of study

The New Technology

Therefore, the longest study has so far been the longer study, which for 6 months evaluated with smoking has a negative effect on these parameters and the literature should improve within six months after smoking cessation.

The search saw 984 adult smokers who chose to exclusively use IQOS, or will continue to smoke only cigarettes or smoke cigarettes and enjoy IQOS at the same time

Only last year on the Slovak market has entered the non-GM product the form of an electronic device that is used with tobacco refills, but tobacco is not consumed conventionally by fire

Smoking by heating is a new technology presented as a better alternative to traditional smoking. Reduces Inhalation of Harmful Substances

The IQOS electronic device heats specially modified tobacco linings at temperatures below 300 degrees Celsius, which, compared to cigarette, greatly reduces the inhalation of chemicals harmful substances produced by the burning of cigarettes

The answer that IQOS records to adult Slovak smokers is one of the best in the countries of the European Union

This demonstrates their interest in innovation and reduced risk products. According to Eurostat, more than 1.2 million smokers are in Slovakia, of whom 50,000 have given up cigarettes and have been using IQOS for 9 months. Countries where IQOS is most popular are Japan and South Korea

Legislation clearly distinguishes smokeless tobacco products from smoking products. . Juraj Kralik, director of communication Philip Morris Slovakia sro

"The future of the future is a right to information on better alternatives such as cigarettes"

Current prevention Smoking and nicotine and withdrawal support should be a key element, mainly because of the risks associated with tobacco use. However, in favor of people who do not want to stop, public policies in the future should also encourage substitution with less risky products compared to cigarettes. The goal is to stop producing cigarettes

Philip Morris International is the largest international tobacco company that also introduced IQOS electronic equipment in Slovakia

Its goal is "to stop producing cigarettes one day and replace them "

On June 15, 2018, the results of a historically first clinical study of this range, which directly assessed the risk-reducing potential of a non-familial product

The eight main clinical risk parameters monitored were significantly improved in the observation of the IQOS group compared to the group who continued to smoke cigarettes

These observed clinical risk parameters are associated with heart disease However, there are also a number of independent studies, including government agencies such as the Brita Agency. British Public Health Policy, the National Public Health Agency of the United Kingdom and the Netherlands National Institute of Public Health. and the environment (RIVM) or the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BFR), which come with similar conclusions

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