Google: Android extends the options, not vice versa


The Internet giant received a record fine from the Commission

19. July 2018 at 9:44 am TASR

BRATISLAVA. The European Commission set a record $ 4.3 billion for a European Internet law offense

In this case, it sanctioned the company for exploiting the dominant position of its Internet system. Android mobile operation

Business practices have limited competition and prevent European consumers from enjoying the benefits of an effective competitive environment in the important mobile communications sector as the rules of the business. EU do not allow, "said Margrethe Vestager, European Commissioner for Competition


See also: Google received a fine from the Commission of $ 4.3 billion

"Mobile technologies have fundamentally changed the way we access information. accustomed to paying bills, reading messages, looking for restaurants or avoiding a road accident on vacation.Through the applications, access to these operations and to many others has become a simple The user experience and the customer experience itself dictate the mobile technology trends that are putting more and more emphasis on applications at the expense of traditional web browsers that users rarely use on telephones, "says the Commission's opinion SAPIE

As it goes without saying, many arguments of the Commission go against the main interest of developers in the daily work with Android [19659002] "SAPIE in as an alliance representing digital and innovative companies in Slovakia fully respects the mandate of the European Commission. However, for Europe to succeed in global competition in the mobile application market, it is crucial to consider not only the status of Android, but also the current preferences and practices of developers. applications.

unlike iOS closed, offers the possibility of a greater reach of their products. The digital economy is one of the pillars of innovation in Europe. If European policy and regulation slow down or stop the development and modernization of operating systems such as Android, this can endanger not only the prices of smartphones for consumers but also the pace of growth and development of the EU's innovative economy. "choice, not the opposite.A dynamic ecosystem, a rapid pace of innovation and lower prices are typical of a strong competitive environment We will therefore appeal the decision of the European Commission, "said Alžbeta Houzarová, Google Communications Manager for the Czech Republic and Slovakia

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