Shocking context of Saganov's break! | New hour


No shared photos, no kisses in the race, fun videos, bouquets, or public love. All that the athlete couple and the old model of public sympathy have suddenly lost. We were sent to the editor with information about Peter Sagan's break with Katka several hours before Peter published it on social media.

The reasons are deciphered in a letter, unknown to us – but apparently well informed – the author sent a postmark to Zilina. He claims that the public must know how their relationship works and why divorce is an excuse. Describes a large number of unpublished details, the truth of which is confirmed by people in the immediate neighborhood of both families

Katarína Sagan, same as Smolková, met Petr Škoda with Michael Škvark in the year 2014 At that time, however, she had great acquaintance with Prague. Eventually, his heart was won by the promising competitor Sagan – and Katka canceled his marriage with a friend a month before the scheduled date of the proceedings

Farewell Peter listened to all the wishes of attractive love He restricted his meeting with friends, exchanged colleagues, managerial skills were gradually taken over by the hyperactive Kubinčanka. The first serious conflict was to occur when Sagan prepared the contract before marriage.

Other obstacles arose after the birth of Marlon's son. Peter disagreed with the presence of the boy and the whole family in the media Even the Vatican visit in February did not work well, when none of the members of the Katkino family did not work. came to the audience of the pope and that František did not grow Marlon

The birth of the offspring will change the functioning of each family Even in this one, where his wife had the Used to go running and treating family or friends. Now, her husband is waiting for child care in particular.

Katarina recently resurrected her old profile on an instagram. She adds pictures of how she works, how healthy she is, how she cares about Marlon. Peter nowhere. The last shared photo is November 2017 then February of this year Vatican . Nothing Maybe this caused people around as well as fans of doubt

Katarina did not respond to phone calls on Wednesday, the family did not notice any problems.


The pre-marriage contract

– Peter was to prepare it before the wedding, but Katarina was categorically against

Visiting the Vatican

] – the audience was equipped with only 7 seats, including 2 for members of the Bora team. The Katkina family was to stay on the side

Photos by Marlon

– Discussion on when, under what conditions, where and if all the photos of the boy or the whole family were published

Journey to the race [19659008] – After the birth of the child Katarina to drastically restrict the trip to Petrov's race abroad

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Family Information on the crisis

With the contents of a letter describing the crisis in the relationship between Peter and Katarina Saganovců, we also turned to the members of the family of the athlete. No one confirmed that he reportedly had problems with the relationship – or the young couple did not talk about it

"I do not know, they need to know if they have any problems.I do not know that he wants to divorce Peteo. Katka wrote me a birthday SMS and it was nice " Juraj told New Time Petrov. Father Lubomir, who is with Petrom in the Tour de France, refused to say:

"I have no problem with the problems," Pavol Smolka said. It was the most suspicious of the fact that Peter should help them financially and repay their commercial loans. " Our guest house was for eight years.We had it before Katka and Pete knew each other.Everyone who comes to us has an open door. People we know it here, and I do not even have the impression that they are hostile to us, "she thinks aloud

What does Mother Iveta see?" Katka is a happy mother and a modest woman. He does not need to show himself and his private life is guarded We, as old parents, have fun, we can sometimes appreciate Marlon. It's our first grandmother, and we also expect other descendants. "

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