Inside, IT projects are planned for tens of millions of euros. Activists are opposed


They say that the projects are badly prepared and it is not certain that we really need them.

NGO.Digital NGO, which has long been pursuing the purchase of computer services for the state, today examined three projects of the Ministry of the Interior.

They are poorly prepared and we may even wonder how much we really need it.

We would spend more than 100 million euros, so we are spending more than Christmas expenses (75 million euros). for example, proposes to create a unified information system for employees of the Ministry of the Interior

"The official will no longer have to click on different information systems", has said Jan Suchal of Slovak.Digital

However, he pointed out the shortcomings. "We think that there have been neglected alternatives here," said Suchal, "It's unclear what the institutions will pay for this"

Worse yet, it's the # Intention to digitize recurring processes. about 60 million euros

More reputable were the representatives of Slovakia.Digital in the idea of ​​measuring the efficiency of the public administration, but also allegedly not reached [19659003] "There is no systematic explanation here, as in the public administration, we will find that the measurement of the process will work.It is designed to create this component and see the next steps. Some parts of the project are so poor that without resolving comments, it should not be approved, "said Ilubor Illek of Slovakia. Digital added that the value of this project is about 27 million euros

she complains that all intentions have been submitted to the public for a long time and could also be addressed by Slovakia.Digital [19659011] Murder of Ján Kuciak

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"We received a few comments, which we all understood and responded to." At a public hearing several times, said that (…) the digital environment goes to a cloud storage of state built for the entire state administration. Therefore, anyone able to build and implement the elements we want to build and implement can be added gradually and with a minimum of additional costs, "the ministry wrote in a statement

. has better information on the project, introduced or violates the law on the protection of classified information, and the costs and results of the project have been prepared by experts who have long been providing cybersecurity for the Slovak Republic and are certified specialists with international accreditation,

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