Pohoda promoted responsible consumption


Besides the interesting music program and many attractive accompanying activities, Pohoda also includes alcohol. The pleasure of Cups in Hand can be a pleasant experience only if we do it responsibly.

In collaboration with the Pi association, this year has therefore been enriched by activities to promote responsible alcoholism in groups for which alcohol is at risk of such actions: minors and conductors

The thousands of visitors who attended the 22nd edition of the festival had staff in drink centers full of work. Although according to the law no. 219/1996 Zz protect the abuse of alcoholic beverages is prohibited from selling, giving or allowing the consumption of alcohol by persons under 18 years, to prove that the age of each customer "suspicious" is not only demanding but legally unjustified: the operator is not allowed to apply for a citizen card In order to avoid this inconvenience to the organizers and to avoid easily access to alcohol for 18-year-old visitors, in collaboration with Pi, they designed color fringed bracelets that immediately warn visitors that the visitor is not of age and can not sell him or her # 39; alcohol.

Erik Cizek, Pi Pi, said: "We are pleased that the biggest Slovak festival has not been afraid to offer news that will promote a responsible approach to alcohol. We believe that such an activity will become a tradition not only for Pohode, but also for other festivals. "

Drivers Enjoy Patrols

Responsible access to alcohol is also important during the festival for all those who will sit behind the wheel. That's why visitors could meet trained patrols equipped with certified alcohol testers for the duration of the festival, so that they could test their level of alcohol at any time.This activity was particularly well received and wanted by drivers who wanted to make sure residual alcohol did not bother them and should not be afraid to sit behind the wheel

Pi patrolled faces known as a moderator Adela and Viktor Vinczewski, hockey player Branko Radivojevič or producer Wanda Adamík Hrycová, who shared pictures on his social networks: "Please do not get into your car after drinking alcohol. . Alcohol testers can be found around hostesses in the green. "

Nearly 3000 visitors measured the level of alcohol throughout the festival, and the greatest interest in this activity was expected on Sunday morning when the greatest number of visitors came out of the festival. Residual alcohol surprised many people who thought that they were making fun of it.Luckily, after discovering the residual alcohol, the visitors did not sit behind the wheel but found a replacement driver or waited for the alcohol to disintegrate completely.The visitors who inflated have returned a few times to make sure that they were already able to drive.


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Source: Forum Pi s rozumom

"The Pohoda Festival has the best fans every year their Responsible approach to driving and alcohol confirmed.The drivers were actively looking for Pi patrols to check that they were in a state where they could really heat up and did not cause any unpleasant problems with a fine or a risk to their health or to others, and they kept the good feeling of the festival even after leaving the premises, "Organizer of the festival Michal Kaščák evaluates

The success of the Pi watch with the justification also shows the statistics roads in the Trenčín region during the festival period. President KR PZ in Trenčín, Mjr. Mgr. Pavol Kudlicka, confirmed that no traffic accident under the influence of alcohol has been registered in the territory of Trencin. Even the number of those who risked it and the car that did not stop was not high: "There were 8 drivers under the influence of alcohol in the services security police, "he adds

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