The driver with two children in the car hit a police car. It was the police who took the most


On the road between Smokovec and Poprad, there was a traffic accident, of which the participants were also cops. The police car arrived from Poprad on the main road The off-road vehicle turned in the direction of Smokovec to the left.

The crew of Red Felicity, who witnessed an accident after an accident, escaped into a field car to cry. The driver raged two young children in the car.

The injured cops were taken in charge by another random passerby until the arrival of the rescue forces. "After arriving at the scene, the job was to provide fire protection, the injuries of the police vehicle being entrusted to the doctor and to emergency medical assistance", said the Fire Chief Rastislav Spiner.

The driver of the off-road car and the children were without injuries. The cops suffered minor injuries, which were treated after being treated in a hospital in Poprad. After further investigations at the hospital, they are worse. "The driver was slightly injured with a seven-day treatment period and the policeman was seriously injured with a three-month treatment period," said police spokesman Daniel Džobanik.

Alcohol testing was negative for both drivers.


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