The UMB Children's University graduated 39 students this year


Solemn promotion at the Faculty of Economics of the Matej Bel University (UMB) in Banská Bystrica ended the 12th year of the UMB Children's University in recent days

19. July 2018 at 22:03 TASR

BANSKÁ BYSTRICA. The solemn promotion at the Faculty of Economics of the Matej Bel University (UMB) in Banská Bystrica has closed the 12th year of UMB Children's University in recent days.

As UMB spokesperson Dana Straková told TASR, students aged 9 to 14 attended a two-week educational program. Appropriate subjects at the age were treated by university and faculty professors from several UMB's

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"We learned this year at our university answers to the questions that are explained in they are valuable, what are their functions and what is the importance to society, which is international trade.Interesting, the concept of consumption, of 39, savings, investment and debt has been explained to us by the example of the conduct of some states, prosperous and visionary companies, modernize and change the society for the better We talked about whether the good or the bad in us is congenital, which is the word "conformism."

We have discovered several ways to learn the foreign language independently, with the help of tools and games available for free on Internet or on mobile applications We met and continued with an interesting person from the field of literature, with a member of the Association of Slovak Writers Elena Cmark

During an excursion to Arboreta Mlyňany, our biologist Experienced approached the beautiful world of wildlife. The endless universe of the universe could meet at Hvězdárna in Banská Bystrica. Physical activity has kept us away from the Olympics and the sports dance, which is the most entertaining form of traditional folk culture, "said the student's speech during the day. of a ceremony.

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