The unemployment rate rose by 5.43% on a monthly basis – Economy – News



Minister of Labor Ján Richter.


The registered unemployment rate in Slovakia reached 5.43% in June this year.

Compared to May 2018, when it was 5.37%, it increased
0.06 percentage points (p.1) YoY decreases 1.47 bp.
This follows from the most recent data published by the Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs
Business and Families (ÚPSVR) of the Slovak Republic

The status of available jobseekers has reached the end of the sixth
month of this year 149 727 people. "The monthly status has increased
of 1,637 persons, decreased by 38,270 from 20.36% over one year
less, "said Marian, CEO of UPSVR, Friday

The registered unemployment rate, calculated from the total number
Job seekers reached 6.58% in June. "Monthly
has not changed, from year to year decreased by 1.56 percent. b. ", said Valentovič.

The total number of jobseekers has reached the sixth
this month 181,447 people. Monthly fell by 47 people.
"From year to year, the state has decreased by 40,486 people, accounting for 18.24% less"
the head of the UPSVR added.

In June 2018, the monthly fall in the registered unemployment rate
registered only in the Banskobystrický region, in seven were registered
increase. At county level, unemployment dropped from one month to the next
in 25 districts, there was an increase in 54 districts

By the end of June this year,
82,391 messages. The monthly vacancy has increased
o 1514. Most of the jobs were in the Bratislava region, at least
was in the Banskobystrický region

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