Armed Forces Received New Black Hawk UH-60M Helicopters, Presented by Minister Gajdoš


PREŠOV 20 July ( – Two new UH-60M Black Hawk multipurpose military helicopters have been added to the Slovak Armed Forces

Defense Minister Peter Gajdoš delivered them on Friday to Propeller wing of General Jan Ambruš in Prešov

The contract is respected

As the Minister said on this occasion, the US treaty with the supply of nine helicopters is gradually being completed. (19659005) The Mig Fighter 29 "am-card-image =" top "data-lazy-srcset ="×54.jpg 81w ,×451.jpg 676w, 768×512.jpg 768w,×661.jpg 992w, mig-29-160×107.jpg 160w,×208.jpg 312w, 2018/02 / mig-29-672×448.jpg 672w,×80.jpg 120w "sizes =" (max-width: 81px) 100vw, 81px "data-dominant-color =" # b6cde1 "/>

The Ministry of Defense of the Slovak Republic provided them through the US Government FMS program (19659006) Sales foreign military) for $ 261 million There are six crew members currently trained to use helicopters , three others are currently trained in the United States

"Recycling is also ground staff.

They want to equip them with a shot

New machines must be used to modernize the armed forces to secure the management of domestic crises, but also by supporting land forces. Helicopters will also perform humanitarian assistance tasks such as searching for missing persons, assistance in case of flood or calamity

The two new helicopters are already equipped with rapid reconciliation system, an internal auxiliary tank and a rescue crane. in the future, we want to equip these helicopters with rifles and if sufficient funds are also available through anti-tank missiles and self-protection, so that they can provide ground support " Gajdoš says:

As says the Slovak commander of the Air Force Ľubomír Svoboda, of the two helicopters used until here to fly for 640 hours and are able to use them in all essential questions

Pilots trained in the United States of America

"We continued to train pilots in the US We trained two of our instructors and the pilot who is a specialist of this helicopter and its problems, repairs and repairs after repair.In this, we are completely independent, " declared freedom with the fact that they only solved ordinary minor defects

  Helmet UH 60M Black Hawk

At the same time, with a local mechanized brigade. With the ground forces, they were trained for the first time by artillery observers to evacuate the wounded, and they want to continue to perform more complicated tasks. "We are planning to buy three new bambi bags because the four we already have are lengthening."

It would not be economical to transform them for use on these helicopters. When we have them, we will begin intensive training so that the crews can help in any situation. " provided by the Commander of the Air Force

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