After drinking alcohol-free beer, both sweet and saturated, poor and obese


An obese man does not carry more alcohol than a poor

20. July 2018 at 16:39 TASR

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BRATISLAVA. Body mass or saturation state has no effect on the amount of low-alcohol beer ingested by the respondent.

Experts from the Institute of Forensic Medicine and Medical Expertise of CHU Martin showed

Experts in excretory

carried out an expertise on 50 volunteers. The youngest participant was 22 years old, the oldest 73.

Experts have tried to investigate hungry or non-engaged athletes and non-athletes, and have also examined a wide range of weights.

An important factor was the voluntary status of the dentition. Even the presence of bridges can affect the persistence of alcohol in the oral cavity.

The results show that the speech "fat is more" or "important to eat a lot of fat" does not pay at all. The analysis showed that immediately after drinking half a liter of alcohol-free beer with 0.5% alcohol, the result of the breath test was the same for those who were in fasting and the same for sausages

man with average stomach, 0.13 mg / l. At least 0.04 mg / l were inflated by a 115-pound man and a 70-pound average age young woman

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Both inflated the same 0.08 mg / l. The expertise excluded that athletes, for example, would have a better result. People with higher sports activity inflated 0.06 mg / l, but twice as much

This is also true for people who fast. Regardless of their weight, they swelled by 0.04 mg / l three times. But everyone, after five minutes, did not even drink a glass of alcohol in his breath. So, if you drink a low or obese, hungry or satiated or sporty or non-athletic driving after drinking a non-alcoholic drink with 0.5% alcohol, you might be afraid to have a test Positive breath on the side

also works with other drinks or normal consumption food products. The breath test immediately after ingestion can also deform fruit juices, oral sprays containing alcohol, drugs and drops or even grungy

There remains a small amount alcohol in the mouth that makes blisters in the mouth and falsely

"Ethanol is also a natural component of human metabolism, and our body has a small amount of ethanol that is needed in chemical processes, creating and subsequently degrading, "said Professor Ľubomír Strako, adding that in the blood and breath of a person can therefore normally have some minimal value.

The body can eat by eating a variety of fruit juices or high sugars that have not been sufficiently preserved and the fermentation process produces a small amount of alcohol. Even the fruit itself can be a betrayal

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