Trump's criticism will not deter the Fed from raising interest rates


Washington, DC, July 20 (TASR) – President Donald McClaus's Criticism of President Donald Trump Does Not Change US Central Bank's Monetary Policy (Fed) Policy,

The Role of the Monetary Policy Committee (FOMC) of the Fed, which decides to set monetary policy, is to keep the level of consumer prices at a low and stable level and to guarantee full employment in the economy. . Louis James Bullard "Anyone can comment, including the president and other politicians," he added. "However, it is up to the FOMC to make the best decisions to achieve these goals."

Bullard said indirectly that Trump's criticism would not deter the Fed from further tightening its monetary policy. The Fed has increased its key interest twice a quarter this year, and the market expects to increase rates twice by the end of the year.

Trump first attacked the Fed following interest rate hikes in CNBC's interview. sharpened. Monetary policy, he says, reduces the competitiveness of the United States and threatens the positive effects of its policy on the economy

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